What to expect in Acupuncture Treatment

What to expect in Acupuncture Treatment

Experience well-being and sustained health through acupuncture, a safe and natural method. This effective practice entails the insertion of sterilized, hair-thin, stainless steel needles into specific acupuncture points on the skin, activating the body's innate healing abilities. With a history spanning at least 2500 years, acupuncture is endorsed by the World Health Organization and validated in research studies for treating various health conditions. The overarching objective of acupuncture is to restore the harmonious balance of Yin and Yang energies within the body.

How Do I Prepare For My Treatment?

Consume something within three hours of your appointment to maintain stable blood sugar levels. Opt for loose-fitting and comfortable attire, ideally allowing easy access above the knees and elbows without any constriction.

What Should I Expect After The Treatment?

Following acupuncture sessions, many patients experience a delightful sense of relaxation, coupled with a noticeable reduction in their symptoms. Acupuncture has the remarkable ability to significantly alleviate pain, promoting an overall sense of well-being.

After Acupuncture Treatment Care

After Acupuncture Treatment Care

Yin Yang Theory